Duval County School Board votes Christopher Bernier as district’s superintendent

Published May. 23, 2024, 2:08 p.m. ET | Updated May. 23, 2024

Dr. Christopher Bernier, selected as new superintendent of Duval County Public Schools. (Photo/Lee County Schools, Instagram)
Dr. Christopher Bernier, selected as new superintendent of Duval County Public Schools. (Photo/Lee County Schools, Instagram)

JACKSONVILLE, Fla. – The Duval County School Board voted Dr. Christopher Bernier as the district’s new superintendent of schools on Thursday.

Members of the public spoke out against the other candidate, Dr. Daniel Smith, urging them to pick Bernier.

Bernier was voted in with a unanimous 7-0 vote as Dr. Dana Kriznar’s interim position as superintendent came to an end. Kriznar temporarily held the position while the school board conducted a national search following Superintendent Dr. Diana Greene’s retirement.

Multiple members of the public spoke out against Smith, who is currently chief of staff for Loudoun County Public Schools in Virginia, calling it a “no brainer” that Bernier is the correct pick.

A scandal took place in Loudoun County where a 15-year-old transgender student, who is biologically male, allegedly sexually assaulted two different girls at two different high schools in 2021.

Smith temporarily served as Loudoun County Schools’ superintendent after former Superintendent Scott Ziegler was fired by the school board in 2022 and reportedly faced trial on a misdemeanor charge of alleged false publication.

Public members as well as school board members compared Bernier’s resume and Smith’s, saying that Bernier has the “experience” needed for the district.

One public speaker said during Smith’s May 13 meet-and-greet interview, he “focused on his progressive ideas.”

“Which are more in line with DEI and pandering to the small minority that are more concerned with pronouns than they are with a solid traditional education, instilling moral values into our precious children,” the speaker said.

The same person went on to say positive things about Bernier, saying he is a “clear, solid choice.”

“Dr. Bernier is very familiar with the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Commission,” the community member said. “He knows what he is walking into and he already has a plan in place. He understands the implications of school safety and that it is a hindrance to children if they do not feel safe.”

During Hurricane Ian, Gov. Ron DeSantis and Education Commissioner Manny Diaz Jr. joined Bernier to announce that all Lee County schools affected by the hurricane were opening less than three weeks after the storm made landfall.

Diaz praised Bernier for the swift opening of the schools.

“For Bernier quite honestly, the work that he has done, he did after Hurricane AIG, and it stands for itself,” Duval School Board Member Cindy Pearson said. “And I had the privilege of talking to some people that work in the school district that talked about just his incredible work ethic, but just also his care and compassion for people during that time.”

School Board Chair Darryl Willie said he thought Smith “could be a really fresh perspective” and he was “leaning Smith,” but said he wants the community to see that the board is “unified.”

Willie and Attorney Ray Poole will begin authorized contract negotiations and once the contract is finalized, Bernier will begin work July 1.

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