Anna Paulina Luna Responds to MSNBC Hit Piece: Outlet is ‘Pushing A Twisted Lie’

Published Jan. 9, 2023, 12:36 p.m. ET | Updated Jan. 9, 2023

Source: Anna Paulina Luna Twitter
Source: Anna Paulina Luna Twitter

ST. PETERSBURG (FLV) – U.S. Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-FL, says MSNBC is “pushing a twisted lie” after they published an opinion piece of false claims. The story included claims that the MAGA political movement began with the “demonization of Mexicans,” and that she has worked with a “white supremacist cult Turning Point USA,” among other lies.

MSNBC published an article headlined “Most Latino Congress ever is more progressive — and more MAGA.” The article was originally published with a different headline: “Opinion: A MAGA Latina House member is not as shocking as you’d think,” featuring a photo of Luna.

The article says, “Though Luna’s ascension to the House of Representatives is certainly newsworthy, it’s important that we journalists avoid placing too much emphasis on a representative of Mexican descent who’s signed on to a political movement that began with the demonization of Mexicans.”

Luna responded, “-@MSNBC pushing a twisted lie.

The reporter also says Luna has worked with Turning Point USA, claiming it is a “MAGA white supremacist cult.”

A Latina version of Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., Luna, according to a summary of her career in the Tampa Bay Times, followed the MAGA playbook to gain political fame. She has ties to chief Kevin McCarthy opponent, Rep. Matt Gaetz, R-Fla., and has worked with what I consider to be a MAGA white supremacist cult: Turning Point USA

MSNBC Reporter Julio Ricardo Varela

Turning Point USA is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization whose mission is to identify, educate, train, and organize students to promote freedom, founded by Charlie Kirk. Luna previously worked alongside Charlie Kirk and Candace Owens at Turning Point USA as their National Hispanic Outreach Director. 

“Wow. @MSNBC is really trying to paint me as a white supremacist? Honestly I’m pretty sick of left leaning media focusing so much on my race. It’s sad to see how triggered the left is over the fact that I’m conservative,” Luna responded on Twitter.

“If they are calling you a White Supremacist it is because you threaten their power. Keep up the good work,” said Jeremy Carl, Senior Fellow at the Claremont Institute.

Luna’s Communications Director, Edie Heipel, said MSNBC’s reporters did not reach out to them for comment on the piece.

The article said Anna Paulina Luna “was being accused of witchcraft by a political opponent,” according to The Daily Beast.

Luna’s Attorney David J. Lisko said Republican Matt Tito went on the ‘Bubba the Love Sponge Radio Show’ and “knew his comments were untrue or were said in gross negligence knowing the statements were highly implausible and unlikely to be true.”

Lisko previously demanded that Tito retract each and every defamatory statement made on the show.

Last week, Luna made headlines for being a part of a 20 member group of House Conservatives that initially voted against electing U.S. Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-CA, as Speaker of the House.

After almost a month of negotiations, the group brought forth a list of congressional changes, working out an agreement in “good faith” with McCarthy. Then, most of the members flipped their vote to McCarthy, electing him as Speaker.

“What you saw this week was a Congress that finally did its job, due to the 20 Members who said ‘enough is enough,'” she said.

On the list of possible changes, conservatives will have the power to bring bills and amendments to the floor, any member can make a motion to remove Speaker McCarthy if he “goes back on promises,” and a cap will be placed on spending for the next 10 years, among other big changes.

The new House rules package will face a vote Monday evening, according to Fox News.

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