Ashley Moody Finds ‘Devastating’ Evidence Biden Administration Plans to ‘Mass-Release’ Migrants into U.S. if Border Overrun

Published Sep. 13, 2022, 4:30 p.m. ET | Updated Sep. 13, 2022

patrol chief

TALLAHASSEE (FLV) – Following more deposition and litigation against the Biden Administration, Florida Attorney General Ashley Moody said she uncovered evidence that the federal government planned to “mass-release” migrants into the country upon an “overrun” of the Southern Border.

The lawsuit includes Florida and a plethora of other states and was filed in response to the Biden Administration’s decision to repeal Title 42, which allows the U.S. to suspend the entry of those trying to enter the country to protect public health. It was previously enacted by the Trump Administration.

“Through aggressive litigation efforts, Attorney General Moody’s office obtained a memo outlining the federal government’s plan in the event immigrants overrun the border once Title 42 is repealed—simply mass-release immigrants into the United States,” her office said.

Moody’s office said a memo from May 19 indicated the U.S. Border Patrol believed there would be an “overwhelming surge of immigrants” coming across the southern border upon the repeal of Title 42

Border Patrol Chief Raul Ortiz said the memo “authorizes [Border Patrol] to release [migrants] into the communities that they were apprehended in.”

“Have you ever seen a [memorandum] before?” he was asked in questioning, to which he replied, “No.”

Moody issued fiery remarks on the federal government’s handling of the border: “The Biden administration’s failed immigration policies are disastrous. Expecting to be overrun, Biden’s Border Patrol drafted a plan to hunker down and allow inadmissible immigrants to flood into the country. But for the efforts of our office and other responsibly-minded, public-safety oriented attorneys general, Title 42 would have been repealed and Biden would have released untold thousands of additional immigrants into the interior of our country—outrageous!”

The Republican attorney general said they found the U.S. Department of Homeland Security disclosed that more than 48,000 illegal immigrants on their way to Florida failed to check in with Customs: “The federal government now has no idea of these individuals’ location or activity—even though most are legally inadmissible.”

Florida is alleging that the Biden Administration failed to follow federal law by releasing “more than 60,000 illegal immigrants within a single month” in the time following Biden’s inauguration.

To view the amended complaint in the case, click here. To view a copy of the memo, click here.

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