Blue exodus continues in 2023 with Americans fleeing New York, California for Florida and Texas

Published Jan. 3, 2024, 11:50 a.m. ET | Updated Jan. 3, 2024

South Beach, Miami Beach, Fla., Dec. 10, 2017. (Photo/Joel de Vriend, Unsplash)
South Beach, Miami Beach, Fla., Dec. 10, 2017. (Photo/Joel de Vriend, Unsplash)

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – U.S. Census data found that states like California and New York continue to starkly decrease in their total population, while places like Florida and Texas continue to gain.

According to the data, Florida experienced the second highest increase in numeric growth since April 2020.

The Census said Florida gained 365,205 new residents in 2023, right behind Texas at 473,453.

Several additional conservative-led states, including Tennessee, Utah and Georgia also saw considerable numeric growth.

Florida and South Carolina were found to be the fastest growing states, with 1.6% and 1.7%, respectively.

The other states that made up the top five fastest growing states included Texas, Idaho and North Carolina.

Texas and Florida at the top of U-Haul’s list of ‘growth’ states for third straight year

The data also found that even though states like Mississippi, Kanas and Ohio lost residents in 2022, they were able to have a net increase the following year.

Despite several states recovering to pre-pandemic levels of migration and inflow, New York, California and Illinois led the way in total net losses in residents in 2023.

New York lost over 100,000 residents, while California saw a decrease of over 75,000 and Illinois nearly 33,000.

Regionally, the south dominated in population change, with a total 1.1% increase, resulting in over 1.4 million new residents in the area.

The west and Midwest each saw a 0.2% change, adding 137,299 and 126,255 new residents, respectively.

The northeast was the only region to see a decrease in total population in 2023, losing over 43,000 residents.

Gov. Ron DeSantis has celebrated the increase in population growth throughout his gubernatorial administration, highlighting conservative polices as the driving force for the “blue state exodus.”

The governor sparred with California Gov. Gavin Newsom during a televised “Blue vs. Red State Debate” in November.

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