Congressional candidate Bryan Leib outlines plan to ‘save America,’ stand with Trump, close border

Published Jun. 4, 2024, 3:22 p.m. ET | Updated Jun. 4, 2024

FL-25 candidate Bryan Leib and supporters. (Photo/Leib, X)
FL-25 candidate Bryan Leib and supporters. (Photo/Leib, X)

MIAMI – Bryan Leib, a Republican candidate for Florida’s Congressional District 25, outlined his plan to “save America,” which included supporting former President Donald Trump and his “America First” agenda.

“I’m an America First American and I have always supported President Donald J. Trump,” Leib said on his plan. “We should be investing in the future of the American people, our industries, our infrastructure, our military, and our first responders. We must become energy independent, not dependent on foreign nations for our energy needs.”

Other issues he focused on included closing the U.S.-Mexico border and combatting illegal immigration.

“We must seal the border. Full stop,” he argued. “We must deport all illegal immigrants that have arrived in the last 3 years.”

“We must commit to comprehensive immigration reform that fast tracks American citizenship for hard-working immigrants to our country that share our values and love our country,” he added.

Other policy positions included advocating for parental rights in education, standing with law enforcement, having a “zero tolerance” policy on crime, implementing congressional term limits, supporting veterans and fighting for constitutional rights and freedoms.

He also noted his support for Israel, school choice, ending the “welfare state,” helping small businesses and more.

Leib is the CEO and founder of Henry Public Relations, a company who’s goal is to “elevate” conservative brands in public media.

He’s also a senior fellow for a Hungarian conservative think tank who is the primary organizer for Hungary’s Conservative Political Action Conference.

The district is currently held by Rep. Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, D-Fla., who won her most recent general election by over 10 points.

Leib has two primary opponents he will need to face in August before he can challenge the Democrat in November.

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