Daniel Webster slams Anthony Sabatini following dropout after Trump endorsement

Published Jun. 14, 2024, 1:51 p.m. ET | Updated Jun. 14, 2024

Rep. Daniel Webster, June 3, 2024. (Photo/Webster, Facebook)
Rep. Daniel Webster, June 3, 2024. (Photo/Webster, Facebook)

Eric Daugherty contributed to this report.

CLERMONT, Fla. – Following Anthony Sabatini’s dropout of the race for Florida’s 11th Congressional District, Florida Republican Rep. Daniel Webster slammed Sabatini’s “lies and mistruths.”

Sabatini dropped out of the race after Webster notched the endorsement of former President Donald Trump Thursday night.

“After seeing his defeat against Representative Cory Mills last cycle, I had hoped Anthony would reflect and run a campaign focused on the grave issues facing our Country,” Webster said. “Instead, he continued to lower himself with lies and mistruths about my proven conservative record until nothing remained of his character.”

Sabatini’s withdrawal marks a second primary defeat for the second consecutive time after losing in 2022 to Florida Republican Rep. Cory Mills in District 7. Sabatini previously served in the Florida House of Representatives.

“In this time of Biden-created crises America needs proven leaders who will be public servants, not just aspiring career politicians. This is the 2nd time Anthony Sabatini filed against me for Florida’s 11th District just to later withdraw from the race,” Webster said.

While tossing his strong support behind Webster on Thursday, Trump said Webster is doing a “terrific job” representing Florida’s 11th Congressional District and emphasized “HE WILL NEVER LET YOU DOWN.”

“As a successful businessman, Daniel knows how to Fight Inflation, Grow the Economy, Lower Taxes, and Eliminate Government Waste. Daniel is working hard to Secure the Border, Protect our Elections, Support our Great Military / Veterans, and Defend our always under siege Second Amendment,” Trump said.

Webster said America “needs President Trump now more than ever.”

“I am focused on making sure he is back in the White House come January and look forward to being his ally in Congress over the next 4 years,” Webster said.

In reaction to Webster’s endorsement, Sabatini said he doesn’t “always agree” with Trump’s decisions in choosing who to support, “but I understand the political reality of what they are.”

“Tonight I am withdrawing from District 11, and I will be running for the Lake County Commission,” Sabatini said. “We need stronger Republicans in local office fighting for the America 1st agenda. District 11 will have to wait for another day.”

The only remaining candidate challenging Webster is John McCloy, who according to federal campaign finance reports, has only under $3,000 on hand.

In contrast, Webster has nearly $600,000.

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