DeSantis calls debate ‘unofficial end’ of Biden campaign, praises Trump’s performance

Published Jun. 28, 2024, 1:21 p.m. ET | Updated Jun. 28, 2024

President Joe Biden and Gov. Ron DeSantis. (Photos/President Joe Biden, X; Team DeSantis)
President Joe Biden and Gov. Ron DeSantis. (Photos/President Joe Biden, X; Team DeSantis)

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Gov. Ron DeSantis weighed in on Thursday night’s presidential debate between President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump.

He spoke with Fox News’ Sean Hannity after the debate concluded, arguing that he witnessed the “unofficial end of the Biden campaign.”

“It will either officially end at the DNC this summer when they replace him, or it’ll end in November when he suffers a resounding defeat to Donald Trump,” DeSantis said.

“The reality is, is you cannot watch that performance and say that he could serve another four year term,” he continued. “I don’t think he could even get through another seven months and I think this country is in very serious trouble with him at the helm, given the weakness that he’s projecting now.”

DeSantis said that if Biden were applying to run an agency in the state of Florida, there is “no way in a million years” he would hire him.

“There is no way the American people are going to sign him up for another four years as commander-in-chief,” he said. “I think this was the most lopsided debate performance that I’ve ever seen.”

“One of the things I think Donald Trump did a good job of was always coming back to Biden’s main weaknesses, especially the border,” he said. “It really didn’t matter what issue it was, he would talk about what Biden’s done at the border. Biden had no answer for that.”

DeSantis said that he thinks the Democratic Party is “definitely going to try and do something this summer” about the president.

The governor pointed to the economic success under Trump and how Americans could easily afford many more things.

“People could afford to buy a home, they could afford to buy groceries when Trump was president, we didn’t have 10 million people come in illegally when Trump was president, and our enemies were on the run away, not on the march towards more bad activity, because I think they feared Trump and I think they recognized that Biden is a weal president,” he said.

Other Florida Republicans took to social media following the debate to celebrate Trump and hammer Biden on his poor performance.

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