Florida National Guard General: Unvaccinated Members Can Still be Called to Active State Duty

Published Sep. 26, 2022, 1:27 p.m. ET | Updated Sep. 26, 2022

vax natnl guard

TALLAHASSEE (FLV) – Major General James O. Eifert declared that unvaccinated military members can be reactivated in the Florida National Guard to protect the state with impending Hurricane Ian.

“The vaccine mandate does not impact our ability to bring people in on state active duty… We will be activating all of those people [who are unvaccinated],” Eifert said.

Earlier this year, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III mandated that all service members receive COVID-19 vaccination.

Per the Department of Defense, National Guardsmen who refuse to receive the shots risk repercussions and consequences unless an authorized exception is granted. Loss of wages or the capacity to train are examples. Those who continue to disobey a valid order risk being discharged.

Despite the mandate, unvaccinated servicemen and women of the National Guard will be able to serve Florida if needed, he said.

The Major General’s comments on protocol for unvaccinated members followed DeSantis’ comments on generators, emergency preparations, and evacuation warnings. He told Floridians to only operate generators outdoors.

“Make sure if you’re using things like generators, that you are using those properly. Those generators cannot be operated inside your structure or your home. The exhaust has to go outside. If it’s inside, then that could be something that is fatal,”  DeSantis cautioned.

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