Key West Library reads book to children for Pride story time: ‘The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish’

Published Jun. 26, 2024, 9:05 a.m. ET | Updated Jun. 28, 2024

KEY WEST, Fla. – The Key West Library held a “Pride Month Storytime” and read a book that teaches children how to be a drag queen titled “The Hips on the Drag Queen Go Swish, Swish, Swish.”

According to the library, story time is typically for children ages 0-6. The event is set for Friday from 11 a.m. – 12 p.m.

The book was written by Drag Queen and founding member of Drag Queen Story Hour “Lil Miss Hot Mess.”

In a WNET Education YouTube video aimed at children, Lil Miss Hot Mess explained what a drag queen is before reading the book aloud and dancing along. The book encourages children to act out the dance moves.

The book is to the tune of “The Wheels on the Bus.” Amazon’s description of the book states that it “encourages readers to boldly be exactly who they are” and “offers a quirky twist on a classic nursery rhyme by illustrating all of the ways to ‘work it.’”

The drag queen character’s names in the book include “Frida Bea Mee, Jaclyn Jill, Stinkerbelle, Rita Book, Mother Lucy Goosey, Cinderfella, Pina Buttah-Gellé, Rosie Ringarounda, and Ella Menopipi.”

“Drag queens, we often like to have funny-sounding names because we like to add a little humor whenever we can and show that sometimes we don’t have to take everything so seriously, although drag can be a very serious art form as well,” Lil Miss Hot Mess said.

In the video, Lil Miss Hot Mess ends by saying “I think we might have some drag queens in training on our hands.”

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