Orange County Sheriff Blasts Soros-Backed State Attorney for Letting Suspected Shooter Run Free

Published Feb. 16, 2022, 10:15 a.m. ET | Updated Jan. 3, 2023

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February 16, 2022 Updated 10:20 A.M. ET

ORLANDO (FCV) – After suspected four-time drive-by shooter Emanuel Bullard was let free from jail on a measly $3,550 bond, Orange County Sheriff John Mina is “flabbergasted” as to why he was released.

“We are just flabbergasted and don’t understand why this violent person is back out on the streets so quickly,” Mina said.

“We just need our state attorneys’ offices and judges to help us out,” he said, throwing shade on Orange County’s Democrat State Attorney Monique H. Worrell.

After learning of the suspect being released on such a small bond, FCV found that Worrell is a George Soros-supported official.

Worrell was backed by over $1 million in George Soros funds via his Democracy PAC in the 2020 election. Soros has been known for donating massive sums of money into radical left-wing candidates in local races like State Attorneys.

State Attorneys have considerable amounts of power over the locality’s criminal justice system. They have tremendous influence on how criminal cases are carried out by the state, including bond conditions.

Mina criticized the Democrat State Attorney for Bullard going free.

“The community did their job they called it in, law enforcement did their job and arrested the suspect, and now we need the judges and state attorney’s office to get on the same page to make sure these most violent criminals are not being able to bond out for $3,500 when they could have killed four people in our community,” he remarked.

“This is an extremely low bond in my opinion based on the circumstances of the case. It’s not a one-time incident, and even if it was, he should still be behind bars. We’re talking about four separate shootings, under the same kind of circumstances, and he did confess to it,” said Sheriff Mina. 

Mina is not the only local official concerned with the State Attorney’s failure to keep the suspected shooter behind bars.

Kim Montes from Florida Highway Patrol said, “If someone is going to use a weapon they don’t need to be out in the public to do it again, especially someone that’s done it numerous times. Our concern is that he’s out and what does that mean for the safety of the public?”

According to FOX 35, the state attorney’s office said that they do not believe that they asked the judge in the case to make any changes to the bond of $3,550, leading to questions as to why Worrell did not get involved.

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