Randy Fine: We Will Not Back Down From the Left’s War on Children

Published Sep. 22, 2022, 10:12 a.m. ET | Updated Sep. 22, 2022

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BREVARD COUNTY (FLV) – “A teacher told us a girl got raped by a ‘transgender’ girl at school.” That is how it started. 

Several weeks ago, a group of parents approached me alleging a boy, claiming to be a girl, had assaulted a female student in a bathroom at a Brevard County Public Government-run School.  In Brevard County – as in many counties around our state – School Board politicians have voted to allow boys in the girls’ restroom on any day in which they claim to be female.  Many parents find this disturbing, and their concerns are warranted. 

I was not the first person these parents had gone to.  They had asked the school district about the alleged assault. They got no answers. They filed public records requests. They got no response. Then they came to me. I listened.  

As their State Representative, I did what any Representative should do – I elevated this issue and went to the authorities at the Department of Education. 

Together with DOE, we learned that the Sheriff’s office did investigate an assault in a bathroom by a “transgender” student over the summer. It is appalling that the School Board did not inform the public, let alone these parents.  

This was not the first issue of student mistreatment – and coverup — in a Brevard Government School.   There are few stories as heartbreaking as that of 7-year-old Sofia.  The Governor and I shared her story last year — a girl with Downs Syndrome, who cannot speak, and who had a mask tied around her face, with a nylon rope, every day for six weeks during the School District’s illegal mask mandate.  Sofia’s 504 plan clearly indicated nothing should be done to obstruct her breathing because she has an oversized tongue.  Forced masking was out of the question.  But the school tied it on every day when she arrived and untied it before she left – so that her parents would not find out.   Sophia cannot speak; she could not tell them.

My colleagues and I in the Legislature speak for her.

The Sun Sentinel and Orlando Sentinel have written extensively about these cases and have refused to publish my response to their inaccurate reporting and editorializing of these incidents and my character. They are intentionally gaslighting the public in claiming they are fake. Their objective to paint me as a peddler of hoaxes is a hoax itself. The reason they do so is simple – these stories are an existential threat to the woke agenda they demand for our children. 

The same media that told us we must “believe all women” during Justice Kavanaugh’s confirmation for events that happened years earlier and for which there was zero evidence now claim “nothing must have happened” because an alleged assault in a private bathroom had no witnesses or camera. Or that because the school district claimed Sofia “looked happy” on their CCTV cameras, the opinion of her parents and her doctor were irrelevant. “Believe all women” apparently has a woke caveat. 

The Sun Sentinel and the Orlando Sentinel have stood with the woke mob, demanding draconian lockdowns, mask mandates, and open school bathrooms.  

They are wrong.

As a Legislator – and more importantly, the father to two school-age boys – I will fight that mob to protect our kids.  My colleagues and I know why we fight. We fight for families to be heard. We fight for children to be safe. We fight for little girls like Sofia, who cannot speak for themselves. We fight for young girls to feel secure in their schools. 

We fight for them. And we will win. 

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