Rick Scott proposes legislation funding law enforcement officers in schools

Published Apr. 25, 2023, 3:55 p.m. ET | Updated Apr. 25, 2023

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., wishes Americans a happy Easter, April 9, 2023. (Video/Rick Scott, Twitter)
Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., wishes Americans a happy Easter, April 9, 2023. (Video/Rick Scott, Twitter)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (FLV) – Sen. Rick Scott, R-FL, introduced the “School Guardian Act” which would provide federal funds to local governments to support the hiring of one or more law enforcement officers to provide full-time security at every K-12 school in the U.S.

Scott initially outlined the bill last month following the tragic shooting at the Covenant School in Nashville, Tennessee.

The funding would be a total of $80 billion, made available to the IRS, and would be transferred on a pro rata basis to the attorney general, according to the bill.

“Instead of spending billions of dollars to expand the IRS to go after American taxpayers, Washington can send a powerful message to parents about our true priorities by dedicating these funds to the School Guardian Act to provide block grants to states so they can increase school security at every school and keep kids safe,” Scott said.

The act builds on Scott’s efforts to improve school safety with increased law enforcement and security measures following the 2018 Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School shooting.

During a press conference Tuesday, Scott said this bill will “save lives” and he will be “fighting” to get the bill through the Senate, the House and to President Joe Biden’s desk.

“The recent shooting of innocent children and educators in Nashville showed us that we need to do better to keep our schools safe, and that starts by bringing effective ideas like our Guardian Program to every school across our nation,” Scott said.

“These brave individuals are willing and able to step up and protect our kids and teachers from those who wish to do them harm.”

The bill was endorsed by Stand with Parkland, the Florida Sheriffs Association and the Florida Police Chiefs Association.

“It is essential that parents feel comfortable sending kids to school every day,” President of Stand With Parkland Tony Montalto said. “Knowing their children are protected from danger with a specially selected and highly trained officer standing guard as this bill provides will help do that for all America’s families.”

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