Scott pushes bill to protect children from AI features without parental consent

Published May. 19, 2023, 11:14 a.m. ET | Updated May. 19, 2023

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., introduces federal legislation to protect children from AI features on social media, May 18, 2023. (Video/Rick Scott, Twitter)
Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., introduces federal legislation to protect children from AI features on social media, May 18, 2023. (Video/Rick Scott, Twitter)

WASHINGTON, D.C. (FLV) – Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., is urging federal lawmakers approve the Artificial Intelligence Shield for Kids Act to prevent children from using artificial intelligence, or AI, features on social media without consent from a parent or guardian.

The bill requires the Federal Communications Commission to work with the Federal Trade Commission to issue regulations preventing social media companies from “charging a fee or mandating a paid subscription, as Snapchat has recently done, before allowing parents or kids to remove artificial intelligence features from products used by minors.”

“Artificial intelligence surely has productive uses, but it can also present grave threats, especially to our children,” Scott said. “I am introducing my ASK Act to protect our kids and give parents the power to decide what their children are exposed to without paying ridiculous fees.”

“I have long been a supporter of doing more to keep our kids safe online and as technology evolves, there is no doubt that we must do more to combat the emerging threats our children are facing every day on the internet,” he said. “I have seven grandkids and I’m terrified by the lack of control available to parents when it comes to social media and AI.”

“Every child is worth protecting and we should never make the job harder for parents. I urge my colleagues to support this bill to keep our kids safe.”

In a video, Scott said said AI, being “brand new,” has unknown potential impacts on American youth.

“We consented to what happened to make sure Children are safe,” the senator said. “We need to be doing the exact same thing with social media sites now.”

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