Sen. Rick Scott unveils ‘Ecuadorians for Rick Scott’ coalition, receives endorsements from Ecuadorian leaders

Published Jun. 3, 2024, 4:30 p.m. ET | Updated Jun. 3, 2024

MIAMI, Fla. – Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., received endorsements from Ecuadorian community and business leaders across Florida as he announced the formation of the “Ecuadorians for Rick Scott” coalition.

Scott unveiled the new coalition Monday at La Pata Gorda, a new Ecuadorian restaurant in Coral Gables.

Leaders who voiced their support for Scott’s bid for re-election cited his efforts in fostering stronger economic ties with Ecuador and his advocacy for liberty in Latin America as key reasons for their endorsement.

“I’m proud to announce the ‘Ecuadorians for Rick Scott’ coalition and honored to receive the endorsement of so many Ecuadorian leaders,” Scott said in a press release.

“It was truly special to announce this coalition at the recently-opened La Pata Gorda restaurant as Josue and his team make up one of the thousands of success stories of Ecuadorians who have chosen the state of Florida to open their business and contribute their rich food and culture to the Sunshine State,” he added.

Additionally, the leaders underscored the perceived “abandonment” of Latin America by Joe Biden and Florida Democrats, accusing them of advocating for socialist agendas and aligning with communist regimes.

“l came to the USA like many others, looking for a better future,” Ecuadorian community leader from Orlando Maria Beatrice Faggioni said. “Debbie Mucarsel-Powell promised she would fight for us, but when she got to Congress, she sided with socialists and far-left politicians who represent the exact opposite of what we, as Hispanics, stand for.”

The latest polls have Scott trouncing his most likely Democratic challenger, former U.S. Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell by a 15 point difference.

“Unlike her, Senator Scott is a TRUE leader who has been on our side since day one, fighting everyday so everyone can have the opportunity to live the American Dream. I feel proud to endorse the Senator for re-election, we need him to continue being our champion in the Senate,” Faggioni continued.

Scott pointed to his visit to Ecuador last year where he met with President Daniel Noboa, former President Guillermo Lasso, and other high-ranking officials. He said they discussed the importance of trade between the U.S. and Ecuador and how the U.S. can help Ecuador “combat the wave of violence terrorizing the Ecuadorian people.”

“Joe Biden and Florida Democrats have done nothing but appease communist dictators in Latin America, making our hemisphere less safe,” Scott said. “When I’m re-elected, I will continue to work with the Ecuadorian community to fight for freedom and safety in our hemisphere. We are united against the Democrats’ socialist agenda that is endangering Florida and the country.”

Ecuadorian community leader Martha Vega said as an Ecuadorian-American woman, she supported Mucarsel-Powell in 2018, “hoping” she would advocate for her community, but said once Mucarsel-Powell went to Washington, “she turned her back” on them and “one term was enough to NOT vote for her ever again.”

“I am wholeheartedly supporting U.S. Senator Rick Scott because he truly understands the Ecuadorian community and the Hispanic community at large. He is a man of the people and someone we can trust,” Vega said.

Owner of La Pata Gorda Restaurant Josué Sánchez said there is “no better place than the Sunshine State” to open and grow a business.

And that’s largely due to the great job that Rick Scott has done, as Governor and now as Senator, in creating a business-friendly environment and promoting policies that benefit small business owners like me,” Sánchez said. “It is my honor to welcome Senator Scott to our restaurant and my great pride to endorse him for re-election. We need leaders like him, believers in family and God, who truly care about the community and work tirelessly to support it.”

President of the Ecuadorian American Chamber of Commerce Ricardo Arocemena said as president and as a business owner, he has seen “firsthand the positive impact of Senator Rick Scott’s work both as Governor and Senator” in the Ecuadorian community.

“He has created countless opportunities for growth and prosperity in our state. The Ecuadorian community in Florida is deeply grateful for his commitment, and that’s why we proudly endorse him for re-election as we launched the ‘Ecuadorians for Rick Scott’ coalition today,” Arocemena said.

Ecuadorian business owner Xavier Villacis said he is “proud” to endorse Scott and pointed to how the senator has “consistently demonstrated a deep concern for the Latino community in Florida” throughout his career by “advocating for policies” that support the community’s economic and social well-being.

“His steadfast commitment to our community is particularly evident in his unwavering support for the Ecuadorian community, fostering strong ties and understanding. Senator Scott’s dedication and friendship make him a truly exceptional leader who continually works for the betterment of all Floridians,” Villacis said.

According to the press release, Scott’s actions in the U.S. Senate that point to his efforts in expanding economic relations with Ecuador and “fighting for freedom, security and stability” in Latin America and in the U.S. include:

  • Visited Ecuador in November 2023, where he met with President Daniel Noboa, Former President Guillermo Lasso, and other high-ranking officials to promote trade collaboration and discuss the importance of safety in our hemisphere.
  • Led the efforts in the Senate for Ecuador’s fresh-cut roses to be added to the U.S. GSP Program in 2020.
  • Urged the Biden administration to use a Section 7031(c) designation on former Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa, who has been convicted for bribery and corruption and was indicted for ordering the kidnapping of an opposition leader.
  • Issued a bipartisan statement in support of the Ecuadorian people and allied government confronting a wave of violence from gangs and cartels throughout the nation.
  • Joined the people of Ecuador in celebrating their Independence Day and honoring the history, culture, and contributions of the Ecuadorian community in Florida.
  • Led his colleagues in a letter to President Biden expressing concern over the administration’s misuse of sanctions authorities in Latin America and the Caribbean.
  • Introduced his bipartisan legislation to address the flow of deadly drugs across the border, the Eradicating Narcotic Drugs and Formulating Effective New Tools to Address National Yearly Losses of Life (END FENTANYL) Act, which was signed into law by President Joe Biden.

“Rick Scott has shown he really cares about the Hispanic community since day one, that’s why he doesn’t need to persuade us to vote for him. He even speaks Spanish now! My family, friends, and neighbors will be voting for him because of his genuine dedication to our community,” Ecuadorian community leader Carlos Sabando said.

Other Hispanic communities have endorsed Scott and also recently launched coalitions with the senator. These coalitions include Puerto Ricans for Scott, Cubans for Scott, Colombians for Scott, Venezuelans for Scott, Nicaraguans for Scott, and more.

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