UCLA Supervisor Who Didn’t Recommend Joseph Ladapo Proven Wrong, Lockdowns Didn’t Work

Published Feb. 3, 2022, 4:44 p.m. ET | Updated Jan. 3, 2023

February 3, 2021 Updated 4:42 P.M. ET

TALLAHASSEE (FCV) – A new report from the Tallahassee Democrat showcased a statement from a University of Los Angeles, California supervisor who said he does not recommend Dr. Joseph Ladapo for the position of Florida’s Surgeon General because of his anti-lockdown stance.

However, amidst new scientific reports and statistical data, Ladapo was proven right.

Not only has COVID-19 been exposed to be a seasonal disease, varying by temperature and regions, according to WebMD, but a new Johns Hopkins University study reported that lockdowns had little to no impact on COVID-19 morality.

The Tallahassee Democrat article reports that the supervisor claimed Ladapo’s “contrary views about COVID-19 created a stressful environment for his research and clinical colleagues and subordinates at UCLA.”

“They felt his opinions, published in national news outlets, knocking ‘COVID MANIA’ and lockdowns violated the duty in the Hippocratic Oath to behave honestly and ethically,” he continued.

However, given current available data and reports, Ladapo was actually correct about lockdowns and “COVID mania,” with lockdown- and mandate-free Florida not only scoring better than other states in case rates, death rates, and hospitalization rates throughout the pandemic, but states and countries have seen similar seasonal surges and falls regardless of health policies.

Conservatives feel vindicated in Governor Ron DeSantis’ (R) pick of Ladapo for the position of Florida Surgeon General given he has been correct while the mainstream media and Democrats have been proven incorrect on the necessity of mask mandates, vaccine mandates, and lockdowns.

Christina Pushaw, the Press Secretary for DeSantis, took a victory lap on social media referencing the supervisor’s comments and the Johns Hopkins study debunking the necessity of lockdowns:

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