Vote No On 4 releases English and Spanish ad campaign debunking abortion amendment myths

Published Jul. 1, 2024, 11:35 a.m. ET | Updated Jul. 1, 2024

"Holding baby's hand," Aug. 2, 2016. (Photo/Aditya Romansa, Unsplash)
"Holding baby's hand," Aug. 2, 2016. (Photo/Aditya Romansa, Unsplash)

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – With abortion rights on the line in the state, Vote No On 4 Florida launched a multilingual ad campaign Monday combatting myths about the state’s Amendment 4.

“Amendment 4 was deceptively written to allow abortions throughout the entire pregnancy, even
when the baby can feel the pain of the procedure, and to make abortion the only medical
procedure that can be performed on a minor without a parent’s consent,” Vote No On 4 Florida President and Professor Emeritus Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Miami Medical School Dr. Mary J. O’Sullivan said in a release.

Entitled “Not What it Seems”, the 2-minute video unravels Amendment 4’s attempt at defining terms such as “viability”, “health care provider”, and “patient’s health.” The video also calls the amendment’s language a “bait and switch,” “sleight of hand,” and “smoke and mirrors.”

Furthermore, the video called Amendment 4’s lack of detail a “small trick and big scam.”

“Amendment 4 says no law shall restrict abortion before viability,” the video states. However, the video noted the amendment never defines the term “viability,” among others.

It also mentioned Amendment 4 would eliminate Florida’s parental consent laws, instead replacing consent with notification.

The video also can be viewed in Spanish.

“By allowing any so-called ‘healthcare provider’ – not just doctors – to determine fetal viability and approve late-term abortions, Amendment 4essentially gives abortion clinics a rubber stamp to approve abortions in the third trimester, up to and including the last month of pregnancy,” O’Sullivan continued.

According to the release, the Vote No On 4 Florida campaign has mobilized a grassroots effort to inform voters that Amendment 4 is “way too extreme and not what it seems.”

They also mentioned Amendment 4 has been heavily bankrolled by out-of-state special interest groups, including the abortion industry and George Soros’ Open Society Fund, which backs abortions at any time during pregnancy.

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