WINK News Fails to Hold People Accountable (again)

Published Feb. 19, 2021, 2:21 p.m. ET | Updated Jan. 3, 2023


The talk around town is how the City of Fort Myers has been leaking TONS of sewage into the Calooshatchee River. Making some parts unswimmable. Since then, the City promised to spend more than $700,000 in infrastructure repairs to avoid the fine.

To put things into proportion, this is a MAJOR failure by the city. Check out this report I did over a year ago about how bad our water quality is.

A scandal of this size is an easy slam dunk for environmentalists. But, to date, they haven’t said a word about this. Instead they remain focused on blaming Lake Okeechobee discharges, which haven’t been a real issue since 2018.

WINK News took a boat ride with members from Captains for Clean Water, Everglades Trust, Sanibel-Captiva Conservation, and the cities of Miami and Sanibel. The news story was all about the discharges harming water quality. Again, I repeat, we haven’t had major discharges since 2018.

Also, keep in mind, those three environmental groups are all funded by the same liberal billionaire.

This boat ride happened just about a week after the news of the sewage broke. Not one single question was asked about the major amounts of sewage floating in the water they sat on and it’s impact to the quality.

You would think “Captains FOR CLEAN WATER” would be very upset with the sewage leaking right in their own backyard. Why didn’t WINK think to tie the biggest story in the region about clean water to their current story which is also about, you guessed it, clean water?

The results of this poor journalism? Free press for these “environmentalists” to push their anti-farming agenda (future reports from UnBossed Reporting on this explaining more) and blame everything on Lake Okeechobee. These groups need a boogeyman to remain relevant. Real issues are rarely addressed by them.

This is poor messaging all the way around and further proof you should do your own research and not rely on the media to do it for you.

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