Florida CD 22 primary poll finds Andrew Gutmann in the lead, voters want solutions to border

Published Jun. 12, 2024, 4:04 p.m. ET | Updated Jun. 12, 2024

Andrew Gutmann, candidate for Florid CD 22. (Photo/Gutmann campaign)
Andrew Gutmann, candidate for Florid CD 22. (Photo/Gutmann campaign)

DELRAY BEACH, Fla. – Andrew Gutmann holds a narrow lead in the Republican primary for Florida’s 22nd Congressional District, according to internal campaign polling obtained by Florida’s Voice.

According to The Front Line Agency Founder Brett Doster, Gutmann is ahead by about 5%. The poll included two other GOP candidates – Dan Franzese and Deborah Adeimy.

The seat is currently held by Democratic Rep. Lois Frankel.

In addition to a positive result for Gutmann, the poll found that in the district, 56% said stopping illegal immigration and human trafficking is the top issue Congress should work to solve. Under 20% chose inflation and the economy, while 5% selected saving Social Security and Medicare.

Respondents were also more likely to support Gutmann when learning he decided to run for Congress as a result of his child attending a school trying to “indoctrinate” her with “woke” ideas.

Additionally, the internal poll found Gutmann with the highest name recognition compared to his competitors – around 50%.

Gutmann’s favorability was rounded at 21%, while competitor Franzese was found to be at 16% approval.

While Gutmann does hold a lead, with many voters “leaning” for some candidates over others, around half the district still identifies as “undecided.” The primary is Aug. 20.

In the 22nd District, Frankel won in Florida’s 2022 red wave by around 10 points over Franzese. The district is located in southeastern Florida, running from West Palm Beach down south of Delray Beach.

Voter trends paint worrying trend for Lois Frankel, a worthy GOP challenger in Andrew Gutmann

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