Department of Agriculture prepares for the arrival of Santa Claus to the ‘Free State of Christmas’

Published Dec. 22, 2023, 12:00 p.m. ET | Updated Dec. 22, 2023

Santa Claus, Dec. 15, 2015. (Photo/Srikanta H. U, Unsplash)
Santa Claus, Dec. 15, 2015. (Photo/Srikanta H. U, Unsplash)

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – Agricultural Commissioner Wilton Simpson issued Friday an emergency order clearing the way for the arrival of Santa Claus for Christmas.

“We’re cutting the red tape for Santa this year to ensure his delivery route across Florida is smoother than a perfectly peeled Florida orange,” Simpson said.

Scheduled to travel across Florida Dec. 25., the request covers Florida’s 67 counties. Santa also is authorized to bypass the state’s 23 agricultural inspection stations, allowing for his safe passage as children our asleep Dec. 24.

Specifically, for Santa’s travels, all regulations or requirements are waived by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services. The emergency order will allow Santa Claus to deliver presents without hindrance or delay.

Coined as the “Free State of Christmas,” the order acknowledges Santa Claus’ relationship with the state and “important mission of spreading holiday cheer.” Florida Republicans have coined the term “free state of Florida” following the slew of COVID-19 restrictions the state fought against.

That order further recognizes Santa Claus has “demonstrated a pattern of immense care for his nine faithful reindeer over the years.”

Through the order, Santa Claus is hailed for bringing joy and hope to Floridians, regardless of age. He also reflects kindness and generosity to children, as well as the joy of giving.

The declaration also lists a number of steps to ensure Santa a joyous visit to the state. They include weight and size restrictions on Santa’s sleigh being waived and accommodations to his reindeer.

Importantly, per the order, Flordians are “encouraged to leave Fresh From Florida treats out for Mr. Claus and his reindeer on Christmas Eve to provide nourishment for their long journey.”

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