Senate passes bill allowing people to kill bears on private property if threatened

Published Feb. 21, 2024, 4:58 p.m. ET | Updated Feb. 21, 2024

Black bear, Dec. 18, 2023. (Photo/Ryan Noeker, Unsplash)
Black bear, Dec. 18, 2023. (Photo/Ryan Noeker, Unsplash)

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. – A bill passed on the Senate floor that would allow people to use lethal force to kill a bear without a permit or authorization if they feel threatened on private property.

The threat of death or serious bodily injury can be to a human, a pet, or to a dwelling.

Sen. Corey Simon, R-Quincy, is carrying SB 632, which passed 24-12. A similar bill, HB 87, previously passed on the House floor 88-29, which was carried by Rep. Jason Shoaf, R-Port St. Joe. 

Simon took up the House version of the bill and added an amendment that said if a person won’t be penalized for killing a bear if the person “did not lure the bear with food or attractants for an illegal purpose, including, but not limited to, training dogs to hunt bears.”

A person will not face a penalty if they did not “did not intentionally or recklessly place himself or herself or a pet in a situation in which he or she would be likely to need to use lethal force,” according to the bill’s analysis.

A person must notify the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission within 24 hours after using
lethal force to kill a bear.

The bill said that a person “may not possess, sell, or dispose of the taken bear or its parts.”

Sen. Linda Stewart, D-Orlando, said she will not support the bill and explained they have been able to “take control” of the bear population in their area.

“I’m not supporting this bill today because I think that we haven’t done enough to allow our neighborhoods to understand how they can safely live with the bear population,” Stewart said.

He said there is a “misconception” that the black bear is a protected species in Florida.

In closing, Simon said this is a “very serious problem” in his district.

The amended version now heads back to the full House for consideration.

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